2024-2025 House League Registration Information
PGHA House League registration is NOW CLOSED
Early Bird pricing in effect until July 31st, 2024 – Prices increase by $50.00 for all divisions August 1st, 2024. REGISTRATION CLOSES AUGUST 31st, 2024.
U7 Early Bird price is $550.00
U9 Early Bird price is $600.00
U11-U18 Early Bird price is $675.00
Registration Information
All players are required to register using RAMP, if you registered last year, your information will still be in RAMP. If you are new to the OWHA, you will have to create an account. If this is your first time registering with the PGHA, please upload a copy of the player’s birth certificate.
Fees can be paid in full at the time of registration or you can choose the split payment option. When choosing the split payment options initial payments are due upon registration and the final payment is due Sept 10th, 2024. A late fee of $50 will be applied for any payments received after Sept 10th, 2024.
2024-2025 Season Prices
Payment Information
- Players are considered registered when initial payment is received
- All participants must be registered & paid in full before stepping onto the ice for the season
- Credit card payment can be made through RAMP at time of registration
- E-transfers are also accepted, please send E-transfers to [email protected]
- Please include Child's full name(s) & Age division
- Split Payment options are available – Final payment must be received by Sept 10th, 2024.
- A late fee of $50 will be applied for any payments received after the deadline of Sept 10th, 2024.
- Goalie Registration Fees are Half Price (to qualify for this discount, goaltenders must commit to the entire season with a team)
- For any issues or for registration inquiries, please contact our Registrar: [email protected]
The PGHA wants ALL children, regardless of family or financial situation to have the opportunity to play hockey.
Should your financial situation become a barrier to having your daughter play hockey, there are several foundations in Ontario to help families pay for minor hockey. Please visit our Financial Assistance page as well as the PGHA Ice Kats Skate Strong Fund page for more information.

Season Overview
The 2024-2025 season will be structured in accordance with the OWHA guidelines to be published later in the summer. We will run a normal season with practices and 5 vs 5 games.
The PGHA has not yet received our ice allotment for the season however we are hopeful for the following:
HL Season Starts
- September – Skills
- October – Season Begins
Season Ends
- U9-U18 teams will have two ice times per week – typically one game and one practice
- Teams will have occasional away games playing other local centers including Lindsay, Keene, Ennismore and Cobourg
- Teams may also choose to arrange tournaments & other team activities throughout the season (these events are not part of registration fees)
What do my hockey fees include?
Fees cover player’s jerseys, game socks, ice fees, refs, timekeepers, PGHA HL Tournament, OWHA player/staff insurance, Hockey Canada fees, and the end of year banquet. Other fees included in registration include association costs such as coach and trainer certification, insurance, and administration costs.
Can I make a teammate request?
The PGHA is not doing teammate requests this season, if you have any questions, please reach out to the VP of House League Brian McNamara at [email protected].
Volunteering with a team
If you would like to volunteer with a team, please click here to complete the volunteer form or find it under the House League tab.
PGHA Refund Policy – CLICK HERE
New to hockey or the PGHA? Check out our FAQ page below for everything you need to know!

All players will need to register through the RAMP System to participate in OWHA activities.
New players to OWHA will be required to create a profile in RAMP which will include their full name, birth certificate, and residential address.
ONLINE – by Visa or MasterCard this is completed in RAMP at time of registration
E-TRANSFER – E-transfers can be sent to [email protected] – please be sure to include player name and division in the comments of the E-transfer.
REP Registration fees can be split into 4 payments, payable in May, June, July, and August.
House League Registration fees can be split into 2 payments, payable upon registration and by Sept 10th.
Registration costs vary depending on the age group.
Fees can be paid in full at time of registration or you can choose the split payment option. When choosing the split payment option, initial payment is due upon registration and the final payment is due Sept 30th. A late fee of $50.00 will be applied for any late payments.
The PGHA wants ALL children, regardless of family or financial situation to have the opportunity to play hockey.
Should your financial situation become a barrier to having your daughter play hockey, there are several foundations in Ontario to help families pay for minor hockey. Please visit our Financial Assistance page as well as the PGHA Ice Kats Skate Strong Fund page for more information.
2024-2025 House League Registration Fees cover
- All Ice fees
- Referee/Timekeeper fees
- OWHA Team fees
- OWHA Player/Staff Insurance
- Player’s Jerseys
- Player Socks
- PGHA HL Tournament
- Year End Banquet
- Administrative fees
House League teams may also choose to arrange tournaments & other team activities throughout the season, these events are not part of registration fees.
The PGHA wants ALL children, regardless of family or financial situation to have the opportunity to play hockey.
Should your financial situation become a barrier to having your daughter play hockey, there are several foundations in Ontario to help families pay for minor hockey. Please visit our Financial Assistance page for more information
The PGHA has also created the Ice Kats Skate Strong Fund. The Ice Kats Skate Strong Fund will provide $300 per eligible applicant. This applies to players in all levels and divisions. Applicant information will be held in strict confidence, and all documents containing confidential information will be destroyed once a decision is made. The PGHA reserves the right to limit applications based on numbers of applicants in a given year.
For more information and application process CLICK HERE
Registration Fees are directly related to all operating expenses budgeted for an entire PGHA season. Should hockey be cancelled or postponed during the upcoming season by a governing body and/or the City of Peterborough, the Executive will review fixed expenses and determine what, if any, portion of registration could be returned.
This will not happen until after the season has been considered cancelled or finished. No request will be necessary in this event, we will advise members of the proposed refund amounts, reasoning, and refund procedure. You must be in good standing to qualify for a refund.
If withdrawing prior to the start of hockey, there will be a $30.00 fee to cover registration fees and administrative fees.
Up to Oct 31st - If there is a waitlist in the division and the spot can be filled a refund may be provided based on the amount paid to date less $200 to cover credit card processing, registration system fees, administrative costs, player insurance, jersey/socks, and ice times in October.
If there is not a player on the waitlist a refund will not be issued.
After November 1st - any requests for a refund must be due to extenuating circumstances and approved by the PGHA executive.
Please see the full REFUND POLICY for complete details.
Generally, the House League hockey program operates on Saturdays & Sundays however there are occasional away games that could be scheduled during the weekdays. The PGHA plays occasional games against other local organizations including Keene, Lindsay, Ennismore and Cobourg.
The PGHA will strive to have House League ice times consistent throughout the season, but there may be circumstances on specific weekends that make this difficult to follow. While we won’t know for sure until we finalize our yearly ice contract with the City, we try our best to keep the times consistent with the previous year.
The PGHA House League program typically includes two ice times per week which includes practices and home games. Ice allocation has not yet been finalized so this is a tentative outline.
Generally, the House League hockey program operates on Saturdays & Sundays however there are occasional away games that could be scheduled during the weekdays. The PGHA plays occasional games against other local organizations including Keene, Lindsay, Ennismore and Cobourg.
The following equipment is required for all hockey players:
• Hockey Helmet (with full face cage or shield - REP must be white)
• Neck Guard
• Shoulder Pads & Chest Guard
• Elbow Pads
• Hockey Gloves (REP must be black)
• Hockey Jill (pelvic protection)
• Hockey Pants
• Hockey Skates (sharpened) & Skate Guards (recommended)
• Hockey Socks & Hockey Jersey *may be provided by team
• Mouth Guard (recommended)
• Hockey Stick
• Hockey Bag
• Sports Water Bottle (clearly labeled with your child’s name)
The following equipment is required for all hockey goaltenders:
• Goalie Helmet
• Goalie Neck Shield (“Dangler”)
• Neck Guard
• Goaltender Chest guard
• Catcher Glove & Blocker
• Hockey/Goalie Jill (pelvic protection)
• Hockey/Goalie Pants
• Hockey Socks and/or tights
• Goalie Pads
• Goalie Skates & Skate Guards (recommended)
• Mouth guard (recommended)
• Goalie Stick
• Hockey Bag
• Water Bottle
If your player/goalie wears glasses, please speak to your optometrist about shatterproof lenses
When in doubt, always check with your coach & trainer to ensure that you have the appropriate & proper fitted equipment!
If purchasing gently used equipment or receiving hand-me-downs, please ensure the following:
- Equipment is in good condition & free from major wear n’ tear (inspect for cracks in helmets, large rips, broken straps/buckles, torn Velcro, missing armor, etc.)
- Equipment fits properly (equipment that is too big or too small will not safely protect your player)
- Pay attention to expiry dates on items such as helmets
Have your new player, try on their hockey gear at home a few times to get the feel of it before arriving at the arena for the first time. Here’s a few great videos showing how to dress your new hockey player:
How To Put on Player’s Gear Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mroRyKO1At0
How to put on Goalie Gear Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEPih77j96Y
Tryouts for REP teams typically take place in the spring. Keep your eye on our TRYOUT page for all the information.
U7, U9 and U11 divisions follow the appropriate player pathway set out by Hockey Canada and the OWHA, please click the following links for the age specific player pathway.
U7 Player Pathway
U9 Player Pathway
U11 Player Pathway
The continued success of the PGHA House League Program is very dependent on the strength of our volunteers and we are always looking for new people willing to contribute their time to our various programs. You do not need to be a hockey expert to help us with our programs. We are always in need of good Coaching candidates, but we also need people who have good organizational skills and above all a passion to help and work with children.
If you are interested in helping us in any of the many roles, we need help with, please complete House League Volunteer Request form or contact one of our Executive members to discuss.
As with most sports, kids’ hockey is different than the professional game you may watch on television. Our association is committed to keeping your child safe.
We do this by having:
- strict rules for equipment and behaviour
- a strong emphasis on teaching skills over contact
- no bodychecking allowed
- trained game officials who enforce league rules
- certified coaches and trainers for every team
We believe hockey is a sport for life, where positive team experiences are always the priority.
Don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about you!
Registration typically closes at the end of August. You will be contacted by the PGHA in September to let you know what team you are on and who the coach is.
Keep checking the PGHA website and social media over the summer as we will keep you posted of any news regarding our House League program.